We carry out design work in the draft plan, preliminary, principal, and operational building design documentation stages in accordance with current laws, norms, and standards. We offer complete solutions for existing urban space and new developments, as well as the design of each technical network or facility separately.
The basis of a successfully implemented design is high-quality project management. The design project manager, in the role of chief designer, is responsible for the content, quality, and schedule of the entire building design documentation, orders the necessary construction studies, finds out the legal bases necessary for the preparation of the building design documentation, including detailed planning, design conditions, technical conditions of network owners and requirements and restrictions of other authorities. The project manager organizes the smooth work of the project team and controls conflicts between different parts of the project. The project manager organizes the building permit procedure, including the application for a building permit and negotiations with network owners, authorities, and local government proceedings authorities.
Üha enam projekte koostatakse BIM mudelina, mis võimaldab leida tehtud töös esinevaid konflikte kiiremini ning hallata paremini projektis sisalduvat informatsiooni.
Pakume nii BIM-i nõuetele vastavat projetkteerimisteenust kui ka BIM-i koordineerimisteenust.
Every design work is based on high-quality surveys. In cooperation with partners, we offer complete solutions in design, including all necessary construction surveys: